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2021-12-01 19:01    




​Imagine if they played on the same team...骑士球迷:想象一下如果他们在同一队的话会怎么样,那画面太美。

I feel like they would have insane clutch ability on a team together. Like for example if they were down 3-1 they could probably be the only teammate duo to both score 40+ in a finals game我觉得他们如果在一个队里的话,那关键时刻能力就真的太疯狂了。假想一下,如果一支球队在总决赛里以1-3的大比分落后,詹姆斯+欧文可能会是唯一能够同时得40+分的搭档了。please stop.骑士球迷:楼上的别说了呜呜呜。

​A prime example is when people dogged Bron for Ray Allen “saving his legacy” with the game tying 3 in game 6. It completely discounts the mastery LeBron had to do before that to even get the game within 3 points in the first place. If he doesn’t play his ass off in the quarters prior, Allen never gets the opportunity to tie the game at all and the rest is history. Just because it came in the final seconds doesn’t make it more significant than what the other players contributed.一个典型的例子就是,人们之前喷勒布朗,认为2013年总决赛第6场是雷-阿伦那记扳平三分“拯救了他的历史地位”。这种说法完全掩盖了勒布朗之前在比赛中所做的一切,要知道他可必须一直掌控着比赛节奏才有可能让分差来到3分啊。如果不是他在前面3节里玩命追赶,阿伦绝不会有投中这记三分的机会,所以后来的一切也就无从谈起了。就因为一记投篮是在最后时刻投中的,并不意味这它就比场上其他球员所做出的贡献更重要。right. Lebron and Kyrie both are among the league leaders in points of iso per game, which isnt a coincidence是的。詹姆斯和欧文在场均单打得分上都是联盟顶尖水准,这绝不只是巧合。球迷朋友们,你们有什么想说的呢?

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