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专访暴雪:虚空之遗爆料 凯瑞甘命运已被注定

2021-11-09 12:29    





凯女王迎来最终结局 大量新角色加入资料片



My life for Aiur






暴雪:我们很高兴向玩家们呈现重新统一后的星灵社会——达兰姆。星灵种族不仅拥有非凡的战士,也有伟大的工程师、历史学家,以及其他许多星灵文明中的重要角色。我们进一步塑造玩家熟悉的角色(如:阿塔尼斯和泽拉图)的方法之一,就是让他们与更多新面孔互动。许多新角色在配音演员的演绎下显得栩栩如生。 《虚空之遗》 有许多精彩的表演,我相信玩家们一定能顺利地发现这些新角色。

 下一页:诺娃不会出现在虚空之遗 SC还有很多内容可做

诺娃不会出现在虚空之遗 SC还有很多内容可做









17173:There are alternation options for several campaigns in the previous two expansions, such as selecting Nova or Tosh. However, choosing either player will not affect the end. Will Starcraft II: Legacy of the void apply the same setting or will there be multiple endings? (e.g. Justice overcomes evil or Xel'Naga will eventually triumph)

Blizzard:In Legacy of the Void, we wanted to focus presenting the final chapter in the main storyline of StarCraft II. It was a big tale to tell, and after so many years and adventures, we had to do it right. That meant centering the narrative around our primary characters, and giving them definitive endings. At long last, all of their fates will be decided.

17173:There are lots of new Protoss characters in Starcraft II: Legacy of the void, such as Vorazun. Will there be more characters like her appearing in the game? Is she the leader of Dark Templar fulfilling Zeratul’s position or just a walk on in the game? (We saw Artanis using Zeratul’s warp blade in the official CG. Is it the sign that Zeratul will die in this expansion?)

Blizzard:Vorazun is the current Matriarch of the Dark Templar and the daughter of their former leader, Raszagal. She appears alongside several other new Protoss characters, including the Khalai Phase-smith, Karax, and the Grand Preserver, Rohana. Together, they form an advisory group for Hierarch Artanis as he leads his people through troubled times. Artanis will speak to them frequently throughout the events of Legacy of the Void.

Zeratul is also an important influence on Artanis, who is choosing what kind of leader he wishes to be. To Artanis, Zeratul is a mentor and a friend as well as a prophet, and you’ll see more of that dynamic and how it unfolds in the campaign.

17173:There are numerous Protoss characters that players are not familiar with. What do you plan to do to increase the popularity of these roles and make people like them?

Blizzard:We are excited to give players a window into the society of the newly unified Protoss, the Daelaam. The Protoss are consummate warriors, but there are also engineers, historians, and many other important figures in their culture. We hope to further develop characters you've met before, like Artanis and Zeratul, by letting them interact with these fresh faces. Many of the new characters really came to life when their voice actors recorded their lines. There are some great performances in there, and I believe players will have no problems finding new characters to rally around.

17173:Apart from new ones, will the characters such as Nova and Tychus that players are familiar with appear in Starcraft II: Legacy of the void?

Blizzard:Tychus and Nova do not appear in Legacy of the Void, but you will see Kerrigan, Raynor, Valerian, Horner, Zagara, and a few other familiar faces again. Maybe even some you aren't suspecting!

17173:Lots of foreshadowings were planted in the previous plot, such as Xel'Naga appearance in StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. Will there be any foreshadowing planted in Starcraft II: Legacy of the void for the following Starcraft series like Starcraft III?

Blizzard:The Xel'naga plotline comes to the forefront in Legacy of the Void, as we explore the tremendous repercussions it has for our three main races. We haven’t announced any plans for the future, but there are clearly lots of untold stories that could be explored in the StarCraft universe. The world at large will still be progressing, and we will touch on some of that just before the credits roll.

17173:A faction called UED (United Earth Directorate) once appeared in the previous Starcraft game, and Alexei Stukov from this very faction appeared in StarCraft II: Heart of the swarm. Will there be more appearance of this faction in Starcraft II: Legacy of the void? Or will it become a foreshadow for the following Starcraft series?

Blizzard:You haven't seen the last of Stukov, though he no longer serves the UED. He has his own motivations at this time for Legacy of the Void. The UED itself remains mysterious and withdrawn... for now.


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